Dirty Hands but Clean Hearts
For a better future we must look to the past
When we put up our new garden tent —
not quite a poly-tunnel but derivative —
we imagined an expansion of growing
a small acreage used for a slight but
vital pivot — humans returning to Earth.
Outdoors beckon indoor birds —
its coloured fruits uniting body with dirt.
Last year it was red peppers, courgettes
broccoli & tomatoes. This year we add
herbs & potatoes, more aubergine.
No divisive chemicals —
no intent to harm. We ally with nature’s
rhythms, eschew the plastic world where
another species is built by minds
in peril from great talent yet
missing foresight & ethics.
We must all put our hand to the plough
acknowledge we belong to the Earth
the great experiment of dominion failed.
Shall we walk barefoot again?
Shall we listen to the wisdom of elders
truth-tellers persecuted & dismissed
as we are now? The real numbers are on
the margins. Don’t bow to damaged boys
who have nothing beneath the neck.
Tomorrow we buy seeds & plants
look forward to returning to work as
old as the world itself— slough off fools
who claim to know but maim & kill instead.
Copyright Simon Heathcote