Drinking from the Holy Grail
We must taste both the pleasures and pains of life
He hands us a cup of sorrows
to drink — we can pick it up any time
as we walk the dusty road.
For some, its taste comes early
porcelain-yellow & jaundiced
life hard from its inception —
while others drink only at life’s end
sun setting on a pleasant story
with only the meagrest of regrets.
I touched those tears early
never lost their salty taste
nor a glimpse of a
world in all its dazzling glory.
Mottled shades greet all ages
yet the cat still nuzzles my face
& suns rise until stored away by the black
crest of night as it turns tail.
I can only surmise I received
a VIP invitation to the party.
Pleasure and pain are
the twin agencies of teaching
holding us in their fingers
turning until we are cooked through
& know the heat of love’s final flame.
In the end, He will burn us no longer.
Copyright Simon Heathcote
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