Indeed Don, whoever we believe ourself to be, whatever scaffolding we have put on or had placed upon us, consciousness and its awareness is always at hand. I love your description of bringing it to your clients' experience and the utter simplicity of being.
I like the sound of your faviourite teacher too. I have been working with Nisargadatta and Ramana Maharshi's teachings for some time after a long and winding spiritual journey and have found a home there.
Curiously, both my parents were born on Sept 8, mahasamadhi of Nisargatta and my mother and her parents fled India via his home city of Bombay a month after Gandhi was killed. Unsurprisngly, I often find myself working with the trauma of diaspora.
My experience has been different in the UK, largely in the private sector, rehabs and latterly, a retreat centre where the work has been a little easier than primary care.
I very much enjoyed your comments, thank you.