Slaves to a System Built on Lies
Courage is required in the world right now & integrity
Words are disease in their black crow form
one step into darkness a name sewn
into collars & adopted like a truth gone awry
From there it’s a short step to ‘he’ and ‘they’
the 10,000 things that make up this illusion &
soon, you’re a slave in a system that has plodding
& grave as its unwitting adoption, then the
lies — you were already primed, that’s what I am
saying, programmed from a babe for your own
Destruction. All they had to do to set things ticking
was to drop words like a depth charge, spreading
on television, night after night, until nothing
Else existed & fear became your king, as well as
a cowardly unwillingness to question. I see you
in nappies & sucking a thumb, reduced to the
Same pre-verbal condition when your first name
was given as lowly permission to stay on
your knees & pray to a god that’s really a demon.
Copyright Simon Heathcote
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